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SSRA Branch News

2018 branch registration form

 2018 Annual General Meeting November 10th 

Our Annual General Meeting will be held on Friday November 10th at the Agincourt Recreation Centre 
31 Glen Watford Drive, Scarborough. ON. M1S2B7 from 6:30 PM to 9:00 PM
Please make a special effort to attend

Spring Meeting:  Tuesday, May 17th 2016

District Fitness Test:  Saturday, May 28th, 2016

Our Spring meeting will be held on Tuesday, May 17th from 7:00 to 9:30 PM at Agincourt Recreation Centre, 31 Glen Watford, Scarborough
Registration for those who have yet to register with the branch begins at 6:45pm.
Please make a special effort to attend. This is our last meeting before the outdoor season starts.

District (Beep) Fitness Test will be held on Saturday, May 28th from 10:00 AM to 12:00 PM @ Clairlea Soccer Centre. 45 Fairfax Crescent, Scarborough.  Doors open at 9:45am.
Our District fitness test is approved and available on Refcentre.  Please note that you must register through Refcentre in order for you to participate. No “walk-ons” are allowed.
Updated on April 21st 2016


Our 2016 District fitness test is scheduled for May 28th at the Soccer Centre, 45 Fairfax Crescent, from 10:00 am to 12:00 pm. The soccer centre will be opened at 9:45 am 

The soccer center has been fully book since the middle of 2015. We have been trying to get school gyms for training. School gyms now require insurance for each person or for us to purchase their insurance, which is costly. An alternative to this is to use the Toronto Pan-am Sports Centre in Scarborough, which has the following opportunities at no cost.

Monday to Friday 5:00 PM to 8:00 PM

Saturday/Sunday 11:00 am to 4:00 pm

Free Parking and the use of lockers, however, you must bring your own lock with you

Since most of us live in Scarborough making this is a terrific opportunity to stay fit and keep dry. 

The address is 875 Morningside Avenue, just south of the 401
April 6th 2016


Januuary 9th 2016 Election Results

I would like to take this oppertunity to thank you for the effort and sacrifice you made for the
second voting of the Secretary's position and to inform you of the results.
Chris Spencer has defeated Ganesh Shanmugan for the 2nd time
Congratulations to Chris, he is the new SSRA Secretary

Dec. 19, 2015

 Dear Fellow Branch Member,

 At the November 30, 2015 Scarborough Soccer Referees Association (SSRA) Annual General Meeting elections were held for the positions of President, Secretary, and Education Officer. Following the AGM, the result for the position of Secretary was challenged. After an investigation by the branch and the SSA President, Jim Barnes, it was found that there were procedural errors. As a result, the SSRA Executive has decided that the fairest solution is to hold another election for the position of Secretary.

Two candidates have been nominated for the position and each has accepted the nomination. They are Ganesh Shanmugan and Chris Spencer.

You are receiving this communication as you were a member in good standing with the branch as of October 31 of this year. In order to vote in this election you must have already renewed your membership for 2016 or pay your 2016 registration prior to voting.

Voting will take place at the Scarborough Soccer Center , located at 45 Fairfax Crescent . Dates and times are as follows:

Thursday, Jan. 7th,   2016 from 7:00 pm to 9:00 pm

Friday, Jan. 8th, 2016 from 7:00 pm to 9:00 pm

Saturday, Jan. 9th, 2016 from 11:00 am to 1:00 pm

Fairfax Crescent is one traffic light north of St. Clair Ave. and West of Warden Ave. There is a Tim Horton’s on the North-West corner of the intersection of Warden and Fairfax.

There will be no proxy votes for this election as there are three windows of opportunity to vote. You must present photo identification in order to vote. The election will be conducted and monitored by the Scarborough Soccer Association as a neutral third party. The SSA will also conduct the count and announce the winner. The result will be final.

The Branch Executive encourages you to come out and vote.

Wishing ever one a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

Leslie Wong,
President SSRA,
On behalf of the Branch Executive.
December 21st 2015




Results of our 2016 elections are as follows: 

The position of President, Secretary and Education Officer were up for elections at our A G M held on December 3rd 2015. The President and Secretary positions are for a two year period, education officer one year period.

Leslie Wong was re-elected as President (Unopposed)

The position of Secretary is now under review. 

Don Pearce was re-elected Education Officer, he was opposed by Miryam Jabali who was unsuccessful



Congratulations to Isaac Raymond

Congratulations to Isaac Raymond -  - The new Manager Canada’s Referee Department

Congratulations Isaac Raymond on your appointment as the new Manager of Referee Department. Isaac resides in Scarborough and played soccer with the Scarborough Maple Leaf Soccer Club. After his playing days were over, he continued in the world of soccer and entered into the unchartered waters of refereeing with positive results.

New video of SSRA referee fitness training in action released

Scarborough Fitness Training
A fitness training video clip was provided by Isaac Raymond. Fitness is an extremely important part of being a competent referee. It takes good conditioning to be constantly on the move during a match in order to have the best possible positioning to make the correct calls.

SSRA Education Agenda

Scarborough referee's association (SSRA) Education Agenda
OSA sent out to all registered referees the new guidelines for advancing to the next level up in their respective categories. In a nut shell, District levels referees must pass the OSA registration exam, attend winter education and pass the District Fitness Test. Regional and Provincial referees are aware of what has to be done in their categories.

Training cycle from Isaac Raymond

Please see attached training cycles that you may have already received from other sources. These types of cycles are used by top referees around the world to help referees plan their individual training needs. If you are not familiar with them you will need to take some time to review the documents and understand the methodology. This cycle covers 6 weeks that will take you to approximately the end of the outdoor season in Ontario.


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