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Fabrizo Stasolla National Referee 2018

Scarborough, was always blessed with having many young soccer referees who began their career in the Scarborough  district and then went on to be very successful in their refereeing careers. One such referee is Fabrizio Stasolla, who began his refereeing career at the age of 11 with the Scarborough Blizzard soccer club.

He wrote his entry level exam at the age of 12 and joined the Scarborough Soccer Referees Association at age 14 as a level 4 referee, and went on to become a National Referee in Ontario at age of 28 years old in 2018. This is quite an accomplishment.

 Fabrizo joined a selected few who are or were members of the Scarborough Soccer Referees Association who have attained National and FIFA status such as Gord Arrowsmith, Issac Raymond, David Barrie and Yusri Rudolf.  

 Fabrizo, like all new entry level referees who became members of the Scarborough Soccer Referees Association, participated in our Laws of the Game education, our on field training, and went through our mentoring programs, where referee abilities are observed and documented and based upon these observations, they are recommended for the next development steps.

 Fabrizio, after the first two years in our mentoring program, showed a positive attitude and desire to progress in his refereeing career. He was given every opportunity to be the best he can be. His goal was at age eighteen, to acquire enough knowledge of the Laws of the Game and their application to be able to apply them in a confident and efficient manner. This would give him the credentials to apply for the Regional program.  

Fabrizo teamed up with two other promising young referees, Gobi Kanesamoorthy and Andre Trenchfield who were already in the mentoring program. They made a good officiating team, which resulted in positive feedback from clubs. They continued to referee as a team for the next 4  years, unfortunately, both Gobi and Andre, for different personal reasons, could not continue the advancement of their refereeing careers.

Fabrizio,amidst many positive reviews for his officiating, was also selected by the SSRA as youth referee of the year at age 16 and in 2012 he was invited to the U.S Dallas cup tournament, where he gained valuable experience.

 At the age of eighteen he was now a District 8 referee and eligible to apply for the Regional program. His first try at the Regional Program in 2010, was unsuccessful, but this did not dampen his spirits. He applied again in 2012, and completed all the necessary requirements to be successful in obtaining Regional status. He officiated at this level for two years and in 2014, applied and was accepted into the Provincial upgrading program. He was then successful in completing all requirements necessary to be upgraded to the Provincial Status.

In 2017 he became a nominated National Official and in 2018 after passing the LOTG and FIFA fitness tests, he received his National Badge. This is quite an accomplishment and to be able to do this at the age of 28 years old is just great!!

The future looks bright for Fabrizo, at the age of 30, he has many years to officiate at this level.

Fabrizo not only has the distinction of being a National referee, he is an Instructor and an mentor  in Ontario. He gives back to the soccer community by volunteering for many projects in the District of Scarborough, such as The Robbie Tournament, Referees education and Fitness  training.

His friends and colleagues wish him continued success on and off the soccer field.

January 30th 2021
Statment from Fabrizio 

As I continued my journey in the refereeing world of Soccer. I would like to take this time to reflect on a few things over the past 18 years, it has been quite an adventure and I cannot imagine replacing any of it.

Throughout the many years of refereeing, I have gained a lot of knowledge and continue to grow and learn as a soccer referee. It all began for me while attending education sesions in my District (Scarborough) with my father at a young age

From that point forward, I began travelling to different districts in order to attend education sessions, this gave me the oppertunity to listen to a variety of different instructors and get to know referees from other districts

This exposure, combine with developing game experience, and encouragement from many individuals, I became more committed to refereeing and was ready to take the next big step (upgrading)

I was recommended for the Province's upgrading programs, which gave me exposure to different levels of leauge games and working with different levels of referees , providing many oppertunities for me to gain experience both on and off the field

As you upgrade, you are appointed to higher level of games, competitions and events. You are always in the spotlight every time you step onto the field as you never know who attends these games.

If you really enjoy refereeing, stick with it. The number of oppertunities that are now present are endless. All you have to do is make the most of the oppertunity

As the game changes, so do the laws of the game and resources, all of which are available to all referees based on their individual levels

Refereeing has been a very big part of my life, I have met many individuals over the years, who I call good friends and I would like to say "Thank You" to all of them for their continued support and guideance 

Fabrizio Stasolla

January 30th 2021





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